Fundraising Projects
by the
Friends of Fort Frederick State Park, Inc.
The Friends of Fort Frederick State Park, Inc. is a
501C(3) organization. The friends organization
supports the Fort Frederick State Park by sponsoring or
hosting events, providing financial support, and
volunteer support for the park complex and historic fort
activities geared toward enhancing the visitor's
experience and providing educational and recreational
opportunities at the fort and park.
Your Tax Deductible donations will directly support
important projects to enhance the natural or cultural
preservation, or historic interpretation at the park. Past
projects have included:
- The purchase of a complete 18th century cannon with
naval carriage use for firing demonstrations to the
public at the Fort.
- Purchase of a Skid Steer (a small bucket loader
vehicle) crucial for the maintenance and clearing of
the Western Maryland Rail Trail.
- Artwork for the Fort Frederick Visitor Center
Exhibit: While designing the new Visitor Center
Exhibit at Fort Frederick State Park it was realized
that there were few good images to represent what the
fort looked like during the 18th Century. Since the Cherokee
Treaty of 1757 at Fort Frederick by Bryant White
was to be used in the exhibit, we felt that having
Pamela and Bryant White paint an additional seven
images would create a unified exhibit design.
You can play a role in helping the exhibit come to be
by purchasing the artwork. You will own the
original artwork to enjoy, while the Maryland Park
Service and White Historic Art will retain the rights
to the image. See Flyer for details.
Please contact Bob Study at Fort Frederick State Park
for details or to purchase the artwork. (301) 842-2155
or bob.study@maryland.gov
- Fort Frederick Flag Pole Fund Raising Campaign:
In August of 1755, His Excellency Governor Horatio
Sharpe of Maryland ordered “a Black & Yellow
Flagg 24 feet long and 16 feet broad with the Union
in One Corner” from Silvanus Grove a merchant in
London. This large flag was destine to fly over
historic Fort Frederick during the French and Indian
In order to fly a copy of this wonderful flag at Fort
Frederick again the Friends of Fort Frederick State Park
are undertaking a campaign to raise $60,000 to construct
a 75 foot tall, authentically constructed flag pole in
the fort’s Northwest bastion. Imagine driving into the
park and before your eyes this magnificent flag flutters
in the wind welcoming all visitors to Maryland’s one of
a kind fort, Fort Frederick.
You, your civic group or company can all help us make
this dream come true by contacting the Friends of Fort
Frederick to become a sponsor of the fort’s flag pole.
The flag colors of Yellow, Black, Red, White and Blue
symbolized the Calvert family’s proprietorship of the
English colony of Maryland. During this campaign they
will serve as the levels at which you can contribute.
- Rail Trail Five Dollar Fix it: A HUGE
Thank You to all who donated. Contributors
raised nearly $20,000 for repair work. The Rail Trail
repairs will commence in the spring/summer of 2024.
The Fort Frederick State Park complex
includes a diverse array of historic, natural, and
cultural sites, properties, and assets, including: Fort
Frederick (a 1756 Stone Fort from the French and Indian
War), several historic CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)
buildings from the 1930s, an Historic African-American
one-room Schoolhouse, a campground with 29 campsites, Big
Pool lake (part of the C&O Canal) with fishing and
boating, a boat launch on the Potomac, Round Top Heritage
Area / Fort Tonoloway historic site, Woodmont Natural
Resources Management Area, the Western Maryland Rail Trail
(for biking & hiking), multiple Hiking and Nature
Trails, Beaver Pond, and Picnic Areas.