Flag of the Colony of Maryland
Friends of Fort Frederick State Park       

The Fort Frederick Market Fair
2024 Sutlers List (final 4/1/2024)

Check out our Facebook site, too.

18th Century Powder Horns JerryHeister@gmail.com
Amalgamated Tinware Tinnmann56@gmail.com
Amey's Adornments www.jasharp.com
Annapolis Mantua Maker Mantuamaker1@gmail.com
Apple Cart Creations www.applecartcreations.com
At the Sign of the Horn and Needle pahorner.wixsite.com/pa-horner
At the Sign of the Red Lion  www.SamsonHistorical.com
Becker Historic Art www.beckerhistoricart.com
Bethlehem Trading Post www.bethlehemtradingpost.com
Blackfork Forge blackforgforge@gmail.com
Blue Cat Buttonworks www.bluecatbuttonworks.com
Brandenburg Storehouse kinjano@comcast.net
Bull Mountain Weaving www.bullmountainweaving.com
Bushnell Bottle Company bushnellbottle@gmail.com
Carter and Jasper Mercantile www.carterandjasper.com
Catawba Forge prairiestar22@comcast.net
Circle M Horns omumma40@gmail.com
Clay Smith Gunsmith claysmithguns.com
Colonial Printer & Bookbindery www.colonialprinter.net
Common Ground Pottery  common.ground@frontier.com
Cordray's Guns  
Daniel Boone of Kentucky, LLC Daniel Boone of Kentucky VIP Group - FB
Daniel Hrinko, Boxmaker www.danielhrinkoboxmaker.com
Dirty Billy's Hats  www.dirtybillyshats.com
Eagle Talon Traders eagletalontrader@hotmail.com
Early American Tin Lighting www.earlyamericantin.com
Fashions Revisited www.fashionsrevisited.com
Fikar's Finest Facebook - Fikars Finest
Flints Trading Company bgf54102@gmail.com
Flying Heart Millinery www.flyingheartmillinery.com
Fort Vause Outfitters fortvauseoutfitters.com
From the Heart rpheslep@hotmail.com
Ft. Downing Trading Co. www.fortdowning.com
Gatliff, Willyard and Company gwandc - facebook
Gatti Napoleon Historic Tailoring Gatti_Napoleon_Historical - facebook
Gossville Shoes www.gossvillenh.com
Half Crown Bakehouse www.halfcrownbakehouse.com
H & B Forge hbforge.com
Handcrafted Baskets jrt.1968@yahoo.com
Handmaids Handmade Soaps & Candles handmaids-handmade-soaps.square.site
Hoffman's Forge, LLC www.hoffmansforge.com
J & S Gier J and S Gier / facebook
Kaiser Ironworks kaiserironworks@gmail.com
Kenneth  Gahagan kgahagan4@gmail.com
Kentucky Leather and Hides kentuckyleatherandhides.com/
K. Walters at the Sign of the Gray Horse  www.kwaltersatthesignofthegrayhorse.com
la Compagnie des Beaux Eaux historicalreenactor.wordpress.com
Lafayette River Co/The Itinerant Band LafayetteRiverComp.etsy.com
Leather from the Past leatherfromthepast.blogspot.com
Love & Death Momentos aerianna@aol.com
Mark Thomas - Craftsman to the Past mtgraver@yahoo.com
Matthew Stein Woodworker www.matthewstein.com
Najecki Reproductions www.Najecki.com
Oatka Leather & Leaf bluedell@frontier.com
Oxford Earthen Ware raetamashausky@yahoo.com
Paul Janusz, Blacksmith www.facebook.com/gravitylineforge/
Penny River  www.pennyrivercostumes.com
Powderhorns and More www.powderhornsandmore.com
Riverwood Trading www.riverwoodtradingco.com
Romantically Bent www.facebook.com/RomanticallyBent/
Ross Bentwood Boxes Cross1732@gmail.com
Royal Blue Traders royalbluetraders.com/
Samson Historical www.samsonhistorical.com
Seams Colonial seamscolonial@aol.com
Seneca Creek Joinery woodsurgeon.com
Shel Browder  shelbrowder@gmail.com
Simeon England www.simeonengland.com
Smiling Fox Forge, LLC   www.smilingfoxforge.com
Steinhagen Pottery steinhagenpottery.com
Stonefield Accoutrements www.stonefieldaccoutrements.com
Stone House History www.stonehousehistory.com
Sullivan Press, LLC sullivanpress.com
Tanasi Designs dbolinghorns@gmail.com
The Calendula Shoppe dnweidel@gmail.com
The Shortbread Exchange Sutlery  shortbreadexchange@gmail.com
The Silly Sisters 1882house@gmail.com
Three Rivers Trade Company fkylerobinson@verizon.net
Three Smiths Forge Instagram.com/TheElderAnvil
Tinkers Tinware tinker_koch@hotmail.com
TinManRoy tinmanroy1@gmail.com
Turkey Foot Trading Co and Forge LLC www.turkeyfootllc.com
Valerie Skinner vincere_vm@yahoo.com
Ver Sacrum priley7704@gmail.com
Virginia's Scarves www.etsy.com/shop/Virginiasscarves
Wagner's Timepieces ww2mike@gmail.com
Warrior's Path  
Webster Hill Baskets whwitch@hotmail.com
Westfork Forge (812) 597-5885
Westminster Forge (860) 822-08473
White Historic Art www.whitehistoricart.com
Williams' Flintlocks www.williamsflintlocks.com
WKD Longrifles wkevindougherty@gmail.com
Wm Booth, Draper www.wmboothdraper.com
Zettlemoyer Pottery www.zettlemoyerpottery.com

The Friends of Fort Frederick State Park contributes support to the park by sponsoring educational activities and programs throughout the year, as well as contributing financially to support the park's historical, cultural and administrative needs. Those interested in joining their efforts may contact:

The Friends of Fort Frederick
11115 Fort Frederick Road
Big Pool MD 21711

Visit us on Facebook